
語音導覽服務體驗員現正招募中!NOW RECRUITING: Audio Guide Service Experiencers!

語音導覽服務體驗員現正招募中!NOW RECRUITING: Audio Guide Service Experiencers!
陽明海洋文化藝術館《On Board 從基隆出發航向世界》常設展,語音導覽服務即將上線!
The audio guide service of the permanent exhibition 'On Board from Keelung to the World' at the YM Oceanic Culture & Art Museum is coming soon!
活動時間 2 小時 0 分鐘
需在活動開始 12 天前完成預訂
數量 40 以上可以成團
語音導覽服務體驗員 Audio Guide Service Experiencers
NT$ 0
  • 活動目標

邀請華語、英語、日語使用者至陽明海洋文化藝術館,聆聽常設展《On Board 從基隆出發航向世界》語音導覽服務,並於體驗服務結束後以問卷給予體驗回饋,幫助與支持製作團隊優化體驗服務。

  • 活動流程

13:30-14:00 報到

14:00-15:30 參觀陽明海洋文化藝術館《On Board 從基隆出發航向世界》常設展並聆聽語音導覽共13則
15:30-16:00 茶點時光,並填寫語音導覽服務回饋問卷

  • 參加對象:年滿16歲以上
  1. 華語使用者10人(以母語為華語者為主) 
  2. 英語使用者10人(不限母語為英語者)
  3. 日語使用者10人(以母語為日與者為主) 

  • 費用:免費入館參加語音導覽服務上線測試活動,體驗後備有精緻茶點提供享用。

  • 報名期間:即日起至10/22(日)23:59截止

  • Event Goal

We would like to invite Mandarin, English and Japanese speakers to the YM Oceanic Culture and Art Museum to listen to the audio guide service of the permanent exhibition “On board from Keelung to the World“. After the service, we will provide a questionnaire for experience feedback to help and support our team in optimizing the service.

  • Event Schedule

13:30-14:00 Check in

14:00-15:30 Experience the permanent exhibition 'On Board from Keelung to the World' at the YM Oceanic Culture and Art Museum while simultaneously enjoying all 13 audio guides.
15:30-16:00 Enjoy tea time and complete the feedback questionnaire for the audio guide service.

  • Participants: Age of 16 and above

10 native Mandarin speakers 

10 English speakers (not limited to native English speakers)
10 native Japanese speakers 

  • Fee: Participation in the audio guide service test event is free, and attendees can enjoy complimentary refreshments after the experience

  • Closing date for entries: From now until 23:59 on October 22(Sun.)
  • 活動資訊



  • Event Information

Time:11/04(Sat.)14:00-16:00(13:30 Check-in begins)

Location:YM Oceanic Culture and Art Museum

(Please assemble at the 2nd-floor entrance of the permanent exhibition.)

  1. 報名後,將依照先後順序錄取參加人員。唯英語使用者將以不同國籍者為篩選依據,以達到多元意見回復的效果。
  2. 老派博粉將於10/27(五)前以Email回覆寄出「報名成功」信件,敬請留意。
  3. 因本活動具有特定目標,且提供免費入場及茶點等回饋項目。提醒您,活動現場需出示「報名成功」email,並簽到,完成報到流程。且聆聽完導覽後請務必填寫問卷。
  4. 此常設展之語音導覽共13則,須於現場掃描QRcode聆聽,為避免參觀展覽時影響他人參觀經驗,敬請攜帶個人「手機」及「耳機」
  5. 因收聽語音導覽需使用網路,現場將提供wifi上網服務。
  6. 因活動紀錄需求,現場將會有攝錄影紀錄。露出管道包含但不限於陽明海洋文化藝術館官網、社群媒體、網路、電視、紙本及平面媒體,現場將提供「肖像權同意書」於報到時簽署。
  7. 如有任何問題,敬請來信或致電給老派博粉:


1.After registration, participants will be accepted based on the order of registration. However, English language users will be selected based on different nationalities to achieve a diverse range of feedback.
2.The Museum Visionary team will send "Successful Registration" emails before October 27th (Fri.). Please keep an eye on your email.
3.As this event has a specific purpose and offers free admission and refreshments, kindly remember that you must present your 'registration successful' email at the event site to complete the registration process. Additionally, please make sure to complete the questionnaire after participating in the tour.
4. There are 13 audio guides available for this permanent exhibition. To access them, you'll need to scan the on-site QR codes. To avoid disturbing the experience of other visitors, please bring your own 'mobile phone' and 'earphones.'
5. Listening to the audio guide requires an internet connection, and on-site Wi-Fi service will be provided.
6. To meet the event's recording requirements, on-site video recording will take place. The distribution channels for this footage may include, but are not limited to, the official website of the YM Oceanic Culture and Art Museum, social media, the Internet, television, and printed materials. Upon check-in, you will be provided with a 'Portrait Rights Consent Form' to sign.
7. For any inquiries, please feel free to reach out to the Museum Visionary team:
 Email: MVservice@museumvisionary.com; Tel: 02-77296286

語音導覽服務體驗員現正招募中!NOW RECRUITING: Audio Guide Service Experiencers!
陽明海洋文化藝術館《On Board 從基隆出發航向世界》常設展,語音導覽服務即將上線!
The audio guide service of the permanent exhibition 'On Board from Keelung to the World' at the YM Oceanic Culture & Art Museum is coming soon!
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